Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Review of FEARLESS by Mike Dellosso

A nine-year-old girl named Louisa suddenly shows up in the middle of a house that's on fire and rescues the man inside. She has no idea how she got there and no recollection of where she came from or who her family is. Jim and Amy Spencer, a couple coping with the miscarriage of their first child only months before, reluctantly take the girl in while local police try to piece together her back story. Louisa is no ordinary girl. Somehow when she prays for God to heal someone, God actually listens. The whole town wants a piece of the mysterious power she seems to have, and they'll go to incredible lengths to get it. As all this is going on, a serial killer is on the loose in Virginia Mills, and it won't be long before Louisa's ability draws the attention of the killer. 

FEARLESS is a new thriller novel by Mike Dellosso. I've read all of Dellosso's book except for The Hunted. With each story, I find I'm more and more drawn in by Dellosso's storytelling ability and grasp of human nature in a struggle with God. FEARLESS was a relentless story, both emotionally and in its action. The killer is a psychopath bent on bleeding respect out of his victims. Louisa is a mystery, an almost-perfect child, and the interaction between her and Jim makes you wish she really was his daughter. Amy's struggle with loss brings up the questions we so often struggle with in a world where bad things happen even though God is good.

The story ties several threads that run parallel throughout the length of the novel, and I thought Dellosso did an excellent job with this. For awhile I thought the identity of the killer was quite predictable, yet Dellosso still surprised me in the end with something I failed to see as i was reading. The end comes with much heartache, yet the story ends beautifully. I love a story that leaves me feeling hopeful, and this one did.

If you've never checked out a Mike Dellosso novel, this is a great place to start, and his other novels are great as well.

Review copy provided by Charisma House

Photo Credit: Charisma House

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