Sunday, November 4, 2012


Rating:4 out of 5

David Platt has become known as someone proclaiming a radical pursuit of Jesus and his calling. In the new combined edition of the two booklets THE RADICAL QUESTION and THE RADICAL IDEA, Platt outlines two things that he believes are vitally important to Christians and the church.

In THE RADICAL QUESTION, Platt explores the disconnect between American Christianity and the calling to follow Jesus outlined in the pages of the New Testament. This booklet, a condensed version of his book RADICAL, is a call to evaluate the things that are most important to us. For most Christians in America the call seems to be to the American Dream while people around the world are starving and many dying without Christ. Platt asks the question, “Is Jesus worth it to you to sacrifice everything for what he wants?”

In THE RADICAL IDEA, Platt looks at the role of the church in Christian belief. We were never meant to follow Jesus in isolation, and Platt suggests that it isn’t solely the role of church leadership to lead people to faith in Christ. Instead, church leaders are called to equip believers to do the work of ministry, spreading the gospel wherever they go.

Platt’s teaching is challenging, and certainly radical. It gives you much to wrestle with, and ultimately it is a call to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly.

Review copy provided by Waterbrook Multnomah

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