Monday, December 31, 2012

Review of the upcoming ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MOVIE MAKING MASTER CLASS by Tony Lee Moral


5 out of 5

Alfred Hitchcock made a lot of great movies that have stood the test of time. I can’t say that I’ve seen very many of them, but I’m well aware of his influence on some of my favorite modern filmmakers. Tony Lee Moral takes the approach of learning about filmmaking by exploring Hitchcock's process and methods in his upcoming book ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MOVIE MAKING MASTER CLASS.

Though the book explores Hitchcock's movies, the strength of the book is that Moral uses Hitchcock's approach to filmmaking to communicate a comprehensive look at all aspects of filmmaking from the original idea to the finished product. Hitchcock was a very involved filmmaker and had input in all aspects of his film, and this translates well into teaching about the different aspects of filmmaking in the book.

Some of the aspects that are particularly helpful from a Hitchcockian standpoint are the use of camera angles, cutting your movie to increase suspense, and the use of music. But the book also discusses working with actors and stages of story development.

ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MOVIE MAKING MASTER CLASS is just what the title says it is, and film makers can learn much from walking through Moral's book.

Advance Review Copy provided by Michael Wiese Productions

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